WRC Lumber
Your Sales and Logistic Specialists


Committed to Service

Sustainable Eastern SPF
Our lumber is produced from Eastern White Spruce, Black Spruce and Jackpine.
MRR and Dressed Lumber available.
Dimensional lumber available in
2×3″, 2×4″, 2×6″, 2×8″, and 2×10″.
By products including sawdust, bark, shavings and chips are also available
and sold in bulk quantities at current market rates

Hornepayne Lumber LP (HP Lumber) is a private corporation that operates a random length sawmill in Northwestern Ontario. Originally the Olav Haavaldsrud Timber Company, the mill, located in Hornepayne, Ontario, is known for its quality lumber. In the summer of 2016, the mill was purchased by a number of private investors including Frank Dottori, well-known for founding forestry industry giant Tembec. Hornepayne Lumber's owners now also include the Missanabie Cree, the Chapleau Cree, and the Netamisakomik Anishinabek (Pic Mobert) First Nations.
White River Forest Products LP (WRFP) is a private corporation that operates a random length sawmill in Northwestern Ontario. Located in White River, Ontario, the mill, known for its quality lumber, is a community-based venture between the Netamisakomik Anishinabek (Pic Mobert First Nation), the White River EDC, and private investors including Frank Dottori, who was the founder and former CEO of Canadian forestry giant, Tembec.